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Law of Attraction: Affirmations to Manifest Your Dream Life

Today, I wanted to share something that I'm positive will change your life and mindset: the Law of Attraction. Maybe you already know all about The Secret and how to manifest the best life, or maybe you've never heard of it but are looking to transform your life, once and for all.

In this post we will take a look at the basics of The Law of Attraction and I'll share some of the most powerful affirmations to manifest your dream life.

Let's start with the basics.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction, according to the official website, "is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on."

This concept suggests that our thoughts and feelings can influence our experiences. Proponents believe it's a universal principle, affecting everyone regardless of background. The core idea is that focusing on positive thoughts can attract positive experiences, and vice versa.

The Law of Attraction can be a puzzling concept, and it's natural to wonder if it holds any weight. While some practices associated with it might seem unusual, the core idea is about harnessing the power of positive thinking. There's no single right way to approach it, and complex rituals or special items aren't necessary. The focus lies on cultivating optimism. If you have positive energy in your thoughts, you'll start to see positive manifestations in your life. 

How to Apply the Law of Attraction

Whatever reality you envision for yourself has the possibility of becoming true. Every thought is creating pictures of the life you want, and these images are influencing the choices and actions you take towards making your thoughts a tangible reality. So what this means is that you can have the life you want. Yes I know it sounds so simple and almost out of a fairy-tale. But why not believe it?

Think about it. If you want a happy life, you're going to think happy thoughts and allow yourself to be in situations, environments, and relationships that only bring you joy. And when you hit a wall of negativity and sadness? You have the power in your mind to control how you react to it. It's not so crazy after all.

Now, this might be the simplest explanation on how the Law of Attraction works. I'm not an expert on the subject and I may be getting it all wrong. But this is how I shifted my mindset and started manifesting positivity and happiness into my life.

If you're getting started with the Law of Attraction or are looking for a simple way to start manifesting it in your life, you can follow the 5 basic steps I highlight below.

Remember, always listen to your mind and soul. Do what feels right for you. There's not a correct or incorrect way to apply the Law of Attraction. Nobody can manifest a single thing in someone else's reality or tell you how to live your life. It's all on you. So take charge of your life and believe in the positive power of the Law of Attraction.

5 Basic Steps to Implement the Law of Attraction

1. Create a plan for your life.

Take the time to visually reflect the kind of life you want. Whether it's a dream board, a vision board, a journal, or any other way you want, let the Universe know what kind of life you envision. This will help give you clarity on what actions and steps you need to take to manifest the life of your dreams.

2. Turn your vision into a present reality.

The power of using affirmations will help you translate your life vision into a reality. Whatever area of your life you decide to work on, always tell the Universe you're ready now. Don't hope for the future or dwell in the past. Manifesting is meant to happen in our present.

I created a set of printable images with some of the most powerful affirmations that have helped me transform my life. There are tons of resources available online that you can search for and even books that you can buy. But most importantly, write your own set of affirmations. You can use what others have written as a guide on how to start; but you're the only one that knows your vision and it's your gift to turn it into your very own reality.

3. Pour passion and emotion into your vision & reality.

Don't just create a vision board or a list of affirmations as an obligation. Do it with all the passion you have inside you. Feelings and emotions are a contributing factor in the outcome of all our situations. The deeper and powerful your focus, the more stronger it will manifest in the Universe.

4. Meditate and reflect.

If you really want to manifest abundance in every area of your life, you need to stray away from the hectic and busy way of modern life. You need to calm your mind in order to produce calm thoughts that will send out the best vibrations to the Universe. Meditation and reflection can help, by allowing you to let go of negative thoughts and emotions.

5. Be grateful and learn to receive.

Being appreciative of what's present in your life is going to make your life better. Instead of complaining and whining about things around and inside you, appreciate and be thankful for all that you have. Trust me, in no time you'll start to experience changes in your life as your days fill with happiness, fulfillment and abundance.

It's also important to prepare yourself to receive and welcome the changes the Law of Attraction brings into your life. Let go of all negative and useless experiences, things, relationships and feelings. Renew yourself and your surroundings. In other words, clear off the old and make way for the new.

And finally, share your blessings and joy with all living beings around you. Spread kindness and positivity wherever you go and in everything you do.

5 Steps to Implement the Law of Attraction

Don't forget to download the free set of printable images with some of the most powerful affirmations to start manifesting the life of your dreams.

I really hope this post serves as a guide to shift your life into a path of positivity, abundance, and prosperity.

Until next time.

Gabriela Fernández

Copyright © Faërie Lifestyle. All rights reserved

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